CD 100 Proefmodel 168
It’s working 🙂 audio cable Proefmodel has Cinch cable and has more black , onto Proefmodel 168 , under CD 100/30 Proefmodel 168 has darker...
It’s working 🙂 audio cable Proefmodel has Cinch cable and has more black , onto Proefmodel 168 , under CD 100/30 Proefmodel 168 has darker...
CD F8421 – handmodel nr. 394 Special thanks to Hans Overgaag for sending me these photos...
Philips LHH 0502 Professional Compact Discs Reproduction System The LHH 0512 CD Drive Control System – Based on Siemens SICOMP Industry Microcomputers (SICOMP IMC) Link to Wiki Sicomp Back The Siemens SICOMP Industry Microcomputers...
Philips CD 960 Demonstration model used in shops
Lichtpen / Lightpen OPTO-Electronic Focusing-Error Detection Device Optical pick-up in the Hand
This CD 100 has been to a repairshop and was declared dead , they think the laser is not working, and they did nothing to it 😉 It had a little paint job.. It’s...
PTT Telecom Audio Codering – ATC a demonstration on 128, 64 & 32 kbit/s per channel of ATC, the PTT Research Adaptive Transformation Coding technique
Demonstration CD , Presentation from 15 april 1981 Polygram Salzburg Austria
Exhibition CD Polygram