The official Philips Compact Disc (CD) LOGO GUIDE


This Compact Disc logo guide describes a set of rules for a correct utilisation of the COMPACT DISC logo, including all related logos, for the consumer electronics field as well as for professional and entertainment areas.

These instructions for Compact Disc logo use supersede all other instructions for Compact Disc logo use and they determine the way in which the Compact Disc logo is to be applied on the objects indicated. The user is advised to proceed only if the user has identified the logo which the user wishes to use as defined in this logo guide, which specifies the physical implementation of the logo on the carrier in question.

Companies or persons licensed under any of the Philips Compact Disc License Agreements are entitled to apply the appropriate Compact Disc logo if they comply with these guidelines. No company or person will be entitled to apply any of the CD logo’s to licensed products (disc or player) without first acquiring the appropriate Compact Disc License Agreement. Companies or persons wishing to apply CD logo’s on material other than licensed products must contact Philips for approval. If a logo is used, it must be used correctly.


The official Philips Compact Disc (CD) LOGO GUIDE