CD 100 Dead after recap

“Could you please help me , after replacing capicitors with a revision / replacement-kit  the player work stopt working …”

The 200 mA was  blown , after firt like i found burned BAW 62 diode in -18 powersupply..

is this the root cause of the dead -18 volt., the s audio cable shield touching  the LM337 is with decoder-pcb  in service-stands…

After replacing diodes and fuse , the player started , disc spinning but no table of content , problem found, hf cable in wrong position

After putting the connector is the richtway , there was audio for 15 minutes then audio stopt but disc stil turning.some more searching, look broken trace by replaced capicitors.

placed some bridges.. -18 volt is working again

rewired audio cable and isolated the audio ground..

and finally , some missing screws on the heatsink